Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Effective Time Management Techniques - Simplify Your Life

Here are a few effective time management techniques which you should master. These can help you become more productive and make full use of your available time.

Many people talk about lack of time. They are unable to complete important tasks on time. Most often the reason is not lack of time, but it is due to improper utilization of the available time. We should learn effective time management techniques so that we allocate our available time to the most important tasks first.

So here are some strategies and tips to help you out:
1. Beat Procrastination Habit - One of the first things you should do is to learn how to overcome procrastination. When you put off things again and again, you will struggle to get important work done. You will find it hard to meet deadlines and organize your time well.

One of the effective ways to beat procrastination is to just start doing the thing you have been putting off. Very often, the first step is the most difficult one. Once you take the first step, you will probably find less resistance for continuing with the remaining ones.

Another important way of beating procrastination is to eliminate distractions that can take your mind off the task. Turn off mobile phones during work. Try to create an atmosphere of peace where you are not disturbed or distracted.

2. Prioritize Your Work - This is one of the most effective time management techniques out there. You should try to focus as much of your time on important work as possible. Prioritizing is very important as there are lots of things to be done and very limited amount of time at your disposal.

So you should be able to decide which things have to be done first. When the important things are taken care of, it won't matter as much if you are unable to finish doing the less important tasks.

Create a list of tasks that need to be done at the beginning of the day. Then give points from 1-10 to each task based on importance. Now re-arrange the tasks from your list from highest points to lowest. Start doing the tasks from the top of the list (those with the highest points).

Keep in mind that you simply cannot do all things. There are certain things which you might need to put off or delegate. This is a simple technique to prioritize your time and decide which tasks need your attention first.


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